Nov 10 2013, 08:26 PM
Name: RJU
Steam ID : If you do not know this, create a server from within the CS:S start menu. Then type status in the console to get your steam ID. Example: STEAM_0:0:13985714
Age: 18
Timezone: Central America
Availability: I am almost always on Steam, and I will be on a lot more, because I just got tethering for my phone.
Tell us something about yourself: I'm a Junior in high school in North-Eastern Minnesota. I enjoy gaming.. I am admin on the War-Lords Pug #1 and #2. I have been an owner of a CS:S server and owned a few servers on CS:GO that's still running and is doing very well but I could not afford the monthly bills anymore so I had to just hand off. I have also been a Co-Owner on another CS:S community that ran 7 successful servers for 4 months until the owner couldn't pay the bills anymore. I like to joke around but when needed I am serious.
Reason For Admin Application: Tell us the reason you want to be an admin. I would like admin in the War-Lords Snipers server because I'm in there quiet a bit and I don't see admins. I see mic spammers, people using racism, and people who disrespect players. I also see LOTS of friendly zombies on the ZR server which ruins the fun in it and there's not always admins on to come punish them. I feel I could fulfill the duty of being an admin in this server.
Thanks for your time.
Steam ID : If you do not know this, create a server from within the CS:S start menu. Then type status in the console to get your steam ID. Example: STEAM_0:0:13985714
Age: 18
Timezone: Central America
Availability: I am almost always on Steam, and I will be on a lot more, because I just got tethering for my phone.
Tell us something about yourself: I'm a Junior in high school in North-Eastern Minnesota. I enjoy gaming.. I am admin on the War-Lords Pug #1 and #2. I have been an owner of a CS:S server and owned a few servers on CS:GO that's still running and is doing very well but I could not afford the monthly bills anymore so I had to just hand off. I have also been a Co-Owner on another CS:S community that ran 7 successful servers for 4 months until the owner couldn't pay the bills anymore. I like to joke around but when needed I am serious.
Reason For Admin Application: Tell us the reason you want to be an admin. I would like admin in the War-Lords Snipers server because I'm in there quiet a bit and I don't see admins. I see mic spammers, people using racism, and people who disrespect players. I also see LOTS of friendly zombies on the ZR server which ruins the fun in it and there's not always admins on to come punish them. I feel I could fulfill the duty of being an admin in this server.
Thanks for your time.