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If U replace the G in the n Word by q is It Still Allowed?
If Yes There is a guy named Legend(u May no him he is an oldie)
he used it for the second Time
16 Nov 2013 04:05:38105
[Image: ebdafa4c942009d583f8409952323fcf880ec214.jpg]but ***** be hating on me

16 Nov 2013 04:05:38but niqqa be hating on me(wL) Mini Games :: WAR-LORDS.NET
I've seen a lot of players using that word but camper seems to be the only one who reports this on the forums
1 Week mute given out.

Let me know if he continues his inappropriate language behavior.

cucubelu..... a warning would be nice and besides half the people in wl say it .
Legend, post: 103848, member: 15427 Wrote:cucubelu..... a warning would be nice and besides half the people in wl say it .
Actually that is your 7th racist infraction. I am going to extend it to a month silence. Also, I will be checking your name logs to see if you are using your name to talk (which I have caught you in the past doing). Enjoy.
someone woke up on the wrong side of his pillow
Mr.Tea, post: 103849, member: 1006 Wrote:Actually that is your 7th racist infraction. I am going to extend it to a month silence. Also, I will be checking your name logs to see if you are using your name to talk (which I have caught you in the past doing). Enjoy.
lol bADMIN Big Grin
Racist remarks are not allowed and will be dealt with accordingly.

Thank you for the report.