who banned me? the person who banned me is beginner, 100% aimbot? are you sure? pls. triple check my demo if im using aimbot. if you proved that im using aimbot, i delete your server to my favorite, if you not prove it, you resign as a MOD or admin. other MOD/ADMIN pls help to review my demo. thank you
name: attorney45
steam ID: STEAM_0.:0:42235783
server: all of them
reason: aimbot 100%
thank you, you liked my approach..

sory for my attitude, this is my first time here. im not familiar how to use aimbot or hack, im playing normal. if you prove that im using aimbot, okay i stop posting here. you banned the innocent player, wer is the justice? PLS. PROVE IT that im using aimbot. or pls. UNBAN ME mod/admin. promise. that im not aimbot. hope you understand the feeling of not guilty.
attorney45 ︻デ═一, post: 104013, member: 17627 Wrote:who banned me? the person who banned me is beginner, 100% aimbot? are you sure? pls. triple check my demo if im using aimbot. if you proved that im using aimbot, i delete your server to my favorite, if you not prove it, you resign as a MOD or admin. other MOD/ADMIN pls help to review my demo. thank you
Are you saying unless we can 100% prove you are aimbotting you shouldn't be banned? And if we can then you will delete our servers, implying that its possible to be aimbotting while not aimbotting? Like, You've essentially admitted to aimbotting in this post, but you are saying unless we can PROVE it, you should be free? Cause thats what it sounds like.... This is a new approach. I like it.
Click this link and reformat your post please.
Wait for a root to respond.
Please triple check your steam id, STEAM_0:0:42235783 isn't banned.
thank you so much mod/admin...

name: attorney45
steam ID: STEAM_0.:0:42235783
server: all of them
what happen? why banned again?
Steam ID correction
Please wait for a root admin to reply .
I have merged these two threads.
attorney45 - Only ONE Ban Appeal is allowed per ban. Since you already had an Appeal that was still open, I combined them.
BANNED AGAIN? why? what is a problem? im not a cheater or hacker. what is wrong with me?
Double post
what is a problem of war lords server? why banned me? pls action this problem admin/mod, thank u.
Bison will be with you when he can.
admin/mod, PLS. action my problem.. im not a cheater or hacker. whats wrong? anyone can explain what happen? im a new here and i dont know what hapen to this server, what is rules and regulations. BANNED BANNED BANNED AGAIN BANNED AGAIN AGAIN without REASON? IM NOT A CHEATER. if im a cheater, where is a demo? or evidence? headache.
Double post