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Full Version: Sniper restriction / ping check [RESOLVED]
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That's right, there is no restriction applied on the auto snipers if there are less than 14 players connected. And that's what I'm referring to.. I hate not being able to buy an AWP while some lame noob will start spraying that gun through smoke or similar.
I was referring to restricting "easy snipers" (as a bad way of summing it up) but I see your point though Cucu. Besides, I like double rainbows.
Sure the auto snipers are a complete pain but the restriction do not work nonetheless, its all I'm trying to convey. For now, at least I'm loosening up on those auto snipers.
i dont mind them but it still pain in the head :/ ,
i try to kill the auto guys with scout YEAAHA SCOUT FTW!!!!!!
baking soda, post: 104491, member: 17608 Wrote:I find auto snipers really annoying and lame, and I think they should be restricted the same way AWPs are.
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