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Full Version: Something to create revenue?
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I noticed that on all the HellsGamers servers, they have an option for you to pay (I think $5) and it gives you access to have a cumminuty skin that you can choose which has "Hellsgamers" written on the back of all players shirts. The skins are customized to the clan and thought it might be a neat idea WL to possibly consider doing. They also have these skins available to the admins Big Grin
That will definitely not make the identity of the admin a secret then :p
"They also have these skins available to the admins". Key word being "available". Meaning you can choose to use it or you can choose a traditional skin Tongue
When I played on a server called LN (Leet Network) they had things you could donate for. One being skins as mentioned above but the other being music playing once you enter the server. It would be personalized to your account. Just an idea.
Black Blood, post: 105578, member: 14933 Wrote:That will definitely not make the identity of the admin a secret then :p
Admins are supposed to be a secret? :o
or you could just have a bake sale
EffiGee`1HP, post: 105599, member: 17521 Wrote:or you could just have a bake sale
I prefer a lemonade stand! Big Grin
The thing about music being played when someone joins would be annoying to a lot of people with such a big populated server. :/
Well that's just the idea though RJU, you could have other things then sound, like a lightning bolt striking you when you spawn for the first time in a server... Just things that people would pay a small amount for to happen... It would certainly lower the monthly server costs...
Hamaerox, post: 105615, member: 17454 Wrote:Well that's just the idea though RJU, you could have other things then sound, like a lightning bolt striking you when you spawn for the first time in a server... Just things that people would pay a small amount for to happen... It would certainly lower the monthly server costs...
Yes, I know were you're coming from, I'm just saying.
Idk it would help but some people don't like those custom things. I also think for the skins you'd need sv_pure 2. :/ Idk though, I'm just saying. Big Grin