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Full Version: Banned for no reason?
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Hello, I was an avid player on the CSS warlords snipers/(all warlords servers actually) only server a few months ago, but recently stopped (due to school) and now when I try to re-enter the server, I receive a notification saying that I am banned. I have never used hacks in any game, and neither do/did I use profanity/offensive language/behaviour. My in game name in CSS was kvelertak with steam id: coolkidbeefy (STEAM_0:0:40890512).

On a further note, I checked the steambans site, and it said I was banned for ban evasion...? It also lists my IP in the USA, which is incorrect, as I live in Canada...
Can somebody please help?

It looks like someone was cheating on your schools network.
Is there anything I can do about it though? My dorm/roommate currently has access to your servers even though he's on the same (wired/wifi) network... also, yes, steam guard has always been enabled/my VAC standing is good.
These bans have been removed.