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Full Version: Someone ban Bison already...
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this bison guy is a troll I tell you, not only that he's a troll, the guy keeps abusing me. He will keep inviting me to play on WL knowing that I am banned and then laugh at me like what. the. fuck.

Brawl Bashin’ Bison is inviting you to play Counter Strike source .............. 5 SECONDS LATER

Brawl Bashin’ Bison: oh right, you're banned!
Brawl Bashin’ Bison: loool
Legend: ...
inb4 forum ban
well you're probably legitimately banned.

bison right now.

[Image: tumblr_ms8u857hqc1r01puxo1_500.gif]
I think that's bison irl.
bison actually died 5 years ago... his current online persona is an AI he programmed while he was an undergrad at Barnard College. the spookiest (creepiest?) part is that Barnard College is a women's school
Are you in the Scrim Buddies group for wL? or w.e its called