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Full Version: Banned and I don't know why
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Hello, my in-game name is Hyperventilation. I tried playing and said I was perm banned for hacking. I'm not sure why if I'v never hacked. I was accused of hacking by this one gamer because I kept on killing him; you can ask anyone that played on Wl minigames and i'm sure they will tell you I don't hack.
I'm not sure if it's a mistake or not but I'd like to be unbanned.
My steam ID
Hyperventilation" STEAM_0:0:16309929 03:05 92 0 active
Wl minigames
Thank you
M. Bison, post: 106253, member: 359 Wrote:I'm pretty confident you were cheating.

I'll give you a chance to prove your innocence though. Run some tests on my server while I watch through TeamViewer.

You will be vindicated if you succeed in replicating the suspicious data. Alternatively, if you fail it will imply you were cheating.
Ok thank you for the second chance. I'll prove I'm not a hacker, I appreciate it.
One question though. What server do you want me on and what are these "tests"? And when will I be able to try these tests. Thank you