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Full Version: US servers - down? [EXPIRED]
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cucubelu, post: 107331, member: 15378 Wrote:He has a caveman's beard, he smells of poo and hasn't showered in weeks!
I know, it was sarcasm. Georgie is lame. And mean.
Croc, post: 107330, member: 17013 Wrote:Gosh, I'm sure if they knew that Georgie was injured, they'd stop immediately! Who wouldn't do that for Georgie the cutie?

Indeed, all that needs to happen is for these guys to read this thread and it'll be all over.

Croc, post: 107332, member: 17013 Wrote:I know, it was sarcasm. Georgie is lame. And mean.

Go back to the water Croc! You're getting dehydrated and thus making no sense.

cucubelu, post: 107331, member: 15378 Wrote:He has a caveman's beard, he smells of poo and hasn't showered in weeks!

Vicious lies, I wash every day, usually twice!

I do look like this though:

[Image: arlovski450.jpg]
George Of The Jungle, post: 107338, member: 3094 Wrote:Go back to the water Croc! You're getting dehydrated and thus making no sense.
But I don't live in the water. Shush, dweeb.
These guys are quite retarded for attacking wL, it just drives up demand for our servers and community actually.
This whole thing may not be related to economics directly, but when you take a in high demand product off the market for no reason and then put it back on after sometime you can a) charge a higher price for it and b) if it was really that well loved of a product chances are the demand will be higher.
Or lower supply, higher demand.
when d2 and office were up for a few hours, they filled up so fast, lol... i havent been playing much css lately Sad
Anyway, if the guy who orchestrated this really wanted to be a criminal and destroy the competition, he shoulda gone and got a business degree and gone and worked for some large corporation and steal billions of dollars, take over other companies and rip off the American people, all legally, cuz its seriously getting pathetic at this point.
This is actually, probably, how most businesses actually work.
we want the servers back plzzz Sad
SPYRO, post: 107397, member: 17961 Wrote:we want the servers back plzzz Sad
Just u have to wait.
i'm patiently waiting. honestly, i cant find any good servers where i get decent ping... i mean, there are a few, but no deathmatch servers come close. the closest i can find is one where i get twice the ping i got on the WL server. theyll have to do, for now... mostly ive been staying off CSS, though. its just not as fun. the crowd of regulars we get on the D2 DM is great. i see some of them as i hop through other servers, and everyone is bummed that the servers are down. im sure theyll fill right back up once this issue gets sorted out Smile
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