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How long will the Silver (wL) Closed
Not the right place to ask for a server status update, but it is still recovering from that attack. Hopefully soon it'll be back.

We are forming a mob as we speak to charge Fragready with pitchforks!
cucubelu, post: 107369, member: 15378 Wrote:We are forming a mob as we speak to charge Fragready with pitchforks!
You told me there would be no retaliation! Are you purposely leaving me out D:
Croc, post: 107370, member: 17013 Wrote:You told me there would be no retaliation! Are you purposely leaving me out D:
I didn't know Crocodiles could hold pitchforks!
cucubelu, post: 107371, member: 15378 Wrote:I didn't know Crocodiles could hold pitchforks!

This is no ordinary crocodile, cucu...
Did someone say cardigans?