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Full Version: admin application - popeye
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Name: popeye
Steam ID :
Timezone: +8.00 GMT - malaysia
Availability: 10 pm - 3 am GMT
Tell us something about yourself: unix administrator by the day and gamer at night
Reason For Admin Application: admin are quite less in Asian servers. and once in a while you have a joker who screws things up in the server. so thought if I can be an admin, I can do something good....:-)
popeye, post: 107641, member: 2298 Wrote:Name: popeye
Steam ID :
Timezone: +8.00 GMT - malaysia
Availability: 10 pm - 3 am GMT
Tell us something about yourself: unix administrator by the day and gamer at night
Reason For Admin Application: admin are quite less in Asian servers. and once in a while you have a joker who screws things up in the server. so thought if I can be an admin, I can do something good....Smile

Best of luck for your application! Just a word of advice, your STEAM ID is required to apply. Steam ID : If you do not know this, create a server from within the CS:S start menu. Then type status in the console to get your steam ID. Example: STEAM_X:XXXXXXX
This is your steamid: STEAM_0:1:14053634

sorry guys overlooked at on the steam id part... suppose to cut and paste some how it idid not happen

Name: popeye
Steam ID :STEAM_0:1:14053634
Timezone: +8.00 GMT - malaysia
Availability: 10 pm - 3 am GMT
Tell us something about yourself: unix administrator by the day and gamer at night
Reason For Admin Application: admin are quite less in Asian servers. and once in a while you have a joker who screws things up in the server. so thought if I can be an admin, I can do something good....Smile

Double post

thanks pudin..
[COLOR=rgb(255, 0, 0)]EXPIRED[/COLOR]

You haven't posted in your app in a month, so we're assuming you're no longer interested. If you feel that you'd like to reapply, go for it.