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Full Version: I just got ban.
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I just got banned from Server #1 i believe on Dust 2. Yes I did go 30-0 I had the awp the hole time and my team was dominating the other team. I think they vote ban me I do not know. I defiantly do not cheat. I use to play this game competitively and now I play it causally because of work and school. I have been in top of leagues like Cevo-p and have won many LAN tournaments in the western region. I have been playing on your server becasue its a good atmosphere and well run. It always has the best latency for me. I also play with all my friends on this server.

So if you can please look at this and Un-ban me that would be awesome. If you need to contact me I will look at this perotically through out the day.

EDIT** it was server #2
Thanks- Bountyhunter

Moderator Wrote:Here is my Steam ID: 0:0:3592584

Edit: Please don't double post Thank You
You were banned by admin vietnameeh for Aimbot. He will be posting a demo soon.
Ahhh thank you It literally ruining my night NO work No homework and No girl tonight =D. Thanks for looking
temporarily unbanned pending review of demo.

The demo was inconclusive. Unbanned.