Hello admins and everybody else, I have come here to ask to be unbanned from this server. It's a really good server for me. I get low ping and good fps.
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:512313910
In game name(IGN): rofl?
Thank you for taking your time and reading this, I really appreciate it.
EDIT: Fixed steamID
I don't see that steamID in the ban list. Make sure you entered it in correctly.
EDIT: Your correct steamID is STEAM_0:0:512313910
Also you were banned by the name "CounterFire"
Also i noticed you were banned by joinPGN under the same name for a similar reason.
http://community.joinpgn.com/sourcebans ... 10&Submit=
Yeah that was my original ign, but is their anyway you can unban me from the server?
You were banned by admin HyDro for Multi-Hack. I'll try to get a demo out of him.
The admin who banned you could not provide a demo. You have been permanently unbanned.
rofl? Wrote:What are demos?
Demos are like video recordings of CS:S gameplay. Admins take demos of a suspected hacker in case of instances like this. If someone makes a ban protest, the admin is supposed to post a demo here.