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Full Version: remove thread please
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next time i will use ignore option in game
NOW WTF IS THIS SHIT!!!! dude thats ur wish.... y the fuk u r tellin' us dat.... damnnnnn
rulzZ, post: 111325, member: 18216 Wrote:next time i will use ignore option in game
!ignore rulzz
Umm.. what exactly is this thread?
Looks like the most un-make-sensable thread I've seen in....ever :confused:
I think rulzZ posted this thread in the player abuse section so he can complain about someone being annoying on the mic but then realized that there was an in-game command that allowed you to mute someone specifically. So he edited this post, changed the title to "REMOVE THREAD PLEASE" requesting a forum moderator to delete his post. That's what I think happened to the thread :/
Lol, I see. But can't he be more specific? If someone tells us to remove this thread, what thread? The one we're responding to or... ?