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Full Version: No Response ... Am out of WL ( ZM )
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Hey Again ...
I should be honest to say that i had more fun playing friendlies and missing everyones ass up ...
Anyway ... i get banned once for being friendly and its ok with me ... So i get banned one more time and then thats it
I play by the rule got no cade break ... help Admins to ban the noobs ... and do everything i should do
So ... I Just cant understand why you do this ?
Its a well know to any regular zm player that there are Pro noobs who cade break eveyone and play friendlies with each other
Such ass YMN , Hardy , Punisher , Body and those kind of shits
So Admins can Join with different names to check that ... and they do but send a ADMIN msg so everyone play right
I got those noobs cade breaking , Glitching and playing Friendlies and they are Brothers ... Posted this and no answer get
Yeah and bert says its nothing to mention and Admin OLE slayed those noobs Twice and i got them cade breaking but the photo did not convent bert for some reason ... You said it bert get a snap shot ... and here it is cant be anymore clear ... And check the chat you will see that he admit it ,,, Its clear that he was shooting ... And its also clear that he was cade breaking there was an admin online and there was Bong Millurostrong all trusted player but yeah ... if he admit it and i got his snap shot it not enough ? Maybe thats what bert think dont know
While i did get banned for ( "" Breaking cade "" ) i have the time to upload some of my unploaded videos cuz am not that kid that upload any new player that break the rules .. Only those pro who can get me lose points with their chillin
Check this out Bert ... That how cade breaking is !!
Check the ground how many grenades and who he clearly shoot it with out even coming with me
And for that one ... You are more clever than that ... First photo is Vedio Editor so he cut the important part and dont know WTF he was doing there ... just shooting the vending like this till i come ( cuz i was CT Far from this spot ) and yeah i am mad for getting banned its clear that he just want this vedio and dont want to play ...

Cheers ... And it was nice to play with you in WL ... but if no action ... i will fuck this server totally ...
I mean like i play by the rule and posted photo and video as the Admins ask too .. And its no action or one day ban ( resting ) for a noob that get banned for 5 times before ...

Take care and thx for all Your good work