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Full Version: Friendly , Cade breaking
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This video shows Christian14013 and ElDanielPVP being friendly and cade breaking , Christian is the human breaking my cade while his buddy ElDaniel (the zombie) tried to get in to stab me and as the video shows i was very lucky. When i had 1st came back in to the room in the previous round they were in that spot one zombie and one human not trying to kill one another , i told them this was ban-able , so they follow me and do this...
# 10 "Christian14013" STEAM_0:0:41166552 33:31 281 0 active
# 15 "ElDanielPVP" STEAM_0:0:356826779 30:21 151 0 active
The video did saw abt Christian14013 breaking the cade (BANNED)
But, i didnt see any sign of being Freindly with ElDanielPVP coz Christian14013 did shoot and tried to kill. (my opinion)

Let's see other admin think of the other player "ElDanielPVP".
Cade Breaking, yes.
Friendly, No.

Only evidence seen in video.