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Full Version: Possible new rule on ZM
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With in the past couple months of playing almost every day for most of the day i have noticed that A LOT of people will not even try to get humans when they become 1st zombie or get stabbed by a zombie and get turned in to one them self's. People will go stand in a random room as zombie and wait for the round to end , thus making it extremely BORING in the ZM server , If you all are serious about trying to build you'r server's population back up this needs to be stopped! Other wise when a new player joins and finally finds a good spot , then no one goes for them and they do this every round that new player will get bored and leave you'r server and most likely not come back. I know there is currently a rule that say's Zombies must do the "Objectives" but many people are.... Slow and don't understand what that means. Maybe put it as Zombies must try to kill humans or be slayed , after 3 or 4 slayings it will turn in to a day ban , so on and so fourth. Till people get the point and try to do what you are supposed to do on Zombie Mod. There is no point or fun in coming to a ZM sever only to just stand around with you'r thumb up ur butt just because you do not want to be a zombie , if you guys don't like being the zombie please by all means GO PLAY SOMETHING ELSE! So that the zm server can get back to where it was around Jan / Feb this yr......

Thank you that is all....