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Full Version: New Sniper Server Highscore :)
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New Sniper Highscore after beating the pervious high score of 156 Big Grin

[Image: 2014-07-24_00009.jpg]
Its ok, its your first time. I remember my first....
hes got bloody hacks, yo! [getit?]
Just Beat that Hiscore Smile

[Image: awp_sourceforts0001.jpg]
How many extend the map votes was that? 100?
Err you can only play a map for no more than 1 hr :>
Yep nice job black...even if you messed my kd all up on that game lol
Black Blood, post: 113032, member: 14933 Wrote:Just Beat that Hiscore Smile
True but your KDR was better in the first one Smile

Double post

[Image: 82F4EA5C2D5BFC43146196F07FEFDFB6504043B1] not highest overall but my highest so far, and I joined game late Smile
No wonder you guys are good... playing at high res and shit. You should see how hard it is to see long-distance on my screen! CTs and Ts look almost the same
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