Jul 24 2014, 09:44 AM
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New Sniper Server Highscore :)
Jul 24 2014, 01:33 PM
hes got bloody hacks, yo! [getit?]
"You don't choose the Soy Sauce — the Soy Sauce chooses you!"
-- John Dies at the End
Aug 06 2014, 06:12 AM
Yep nice job black...even if you messed my kd all up on that game lol
Aug 06 2014, 07:20 AM
Black Blood, post: 113032, member: 14933 Wrote:Just Beat that HiscoreTrue but your KDR was better in the first one

Double post
"You don't choose the Soy Sauce — the Soy Sauce chooses you!"
-- John Dies at the End
Aug 08 2014, 01:11 PM
No wonder you guys are good... playing at high res and shit. You should see how hard it is to see long-distance on my screen! CTs and Ts look almost the same
"You don't choose the Soy Sauce — the Soy Sauce chooses you!"
-- John Dies at the End
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