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Full Version: FN Project-90 Restriction on PUG servers (ASIA and US)
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Pages: 1 2
use a p-90 as a counter attack lol
WELL WELL ....pls restrict C4 for GOD's SAKE ..... ONE BOOM 3 kills...that's insane
I still loves TMP....Big Grin

Yeah, really.
lin3ar, post: 113140, member: 795 Wrote:lrn2play

Yeah, really.
-[ex]iSpy-, post: 113124, member: 847 Wrote:use a p-90 as a counter attack lol
Now why the hell would I use a gun that I detest to counter-act it? Son, you clearly don't understand the implications that damn bullet dispenser has. I can probably write a 200 page book about the thing!
Phoen1x, post: 113149, member: 18091 Wrote:Now why the hell would I use a gun that I detest to counter-act it? Son, you clearly don't understand the implications that damn bullet dispenser has. I can probably write a 200 page book about the thing!

i wanna see that 200 pages Smile
-[ex]iSpy-, post: 113160, member: 847 Wrote:i wanna see that 200 pages Smile
Then its a deal. Tomorrow, I'll start writing about the CS:S P90. I will detail everything I can with pinpoint details.
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