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Full Version: SMAC: Eye Angles Violation?
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Name: T4nkbusta098
SteamID: STEAM_0:1:89228217
Server: 24/7 Crackhouse Deathmatch - Mini Game

Today, i got banned on these 2 servers for this reason: SMAC: Eye Angles Violation.
I was using my new steam account. I admit, i did hack before in my old steam account but not in these servers, because it was vac banned over 400 days ago. But that's the reason i have a new steam account, it's so i could play CS:S on VAC servers, not to get banned again. I understand that hacking isn't allowed, but it peeked my curiosity before my old steam account got VAC banned.
Is it possible that SMAC could have glitched? I searched SMAC: Eye Angles Violation on Google and i found out there are many glitches regarding this ban reason.

This video shows me joining the MiniGames server: [video=youtube]http://youtube.com/watch?v=6WUQjGqCGo8[/video]
The ban has been removed.