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Full Version: Banned :(
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Hello  warlord admins i  have been playing on warlord servers for as long as  i can remember  but this morning when i went to go onto the sniper server i  was perma banned  i have no idea  why  i  have always been a trusted player on this  server and would really appreciate if i  could  be unbanned my user  name  is kinda complicated but its linked to me forum  account so  hopefully its not hard to find.  my steam id  is STEAM_0:0:39616016 thank you it would be much apreicaited Smile
Your Steam ID, STEAM_0:0:39616016 was banned for Material Wallhacks.
idk why i have never had materials in my life i don't even know where to get them i just play the game how it is and would really like it if i could be unbanned cause i play on your servers all the time plz Sad
i even re downloaded the game to make sure there weren't any on my system cause i have a friend who uses my computer as well but i asked him and he says he never uses materials so i still don't know why i was banned for it i hope we can resolve this so i can return to being able to play on warlord servers again :/
The ban is confirmed to be valid.