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Name: Remmah, however it was a console/web ban AFAIK.
SteamID: STEAM_0:0:55182668
Server: Minigames, all of them.

Admin who banned me: Blood Zone
Admins Reason: "Remmah Hijacking and Ruining the server"

Why I should be unbanned: The server doesn't look hijacked, last time I checked it still says (wL) Mini Games :: WAR-LORDS.NET and its still in complete control by only warlords admins, don't see how it is ruined either, but this is something Blood Zone throws around a lot.

Its also something Blood Zone has done in the past, he blamed another player that I won't mention for ruining the server.

Clearly this is a joke of a reason with other motives behind it. I know he has also blamed me for other problems with the server which are not true.
Remmah, I know you were banned for a multitude of reasons, so your comment of, "other motives behind it" could very well be correct. Blood Zone's banning reason may be a bit weird, but for the most part was called for. (From my understanding)

The hijacking was not referring to the War-Lords servers. Those are ours and remain in our control and have nothing to do with this situation.

I would highly suggest you wait on a root admin to look into the situation and not kick up dirt until then (:
I will wait for a root admin to respond to the appeal.

The fact remains that he has banned me for reasons that are not true and are so ridiculous he will not even state them so they can be easily refuted. What is more bewildering about this is that he has banned me primarily due to his personal feelings towards a player who he has previously punished and blamed for ruining the server after being rejected by them. This should be looked into further and I should not be banned without proper due diligence and a chance to respond to his accusations.
The ban has been shortened into expiration.