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I was banned for leaving a live PUG when there were no subs available to replace my slot and i didn't know that there was such a thing as there weren't any warnings or such. I would like to play on the servers ASAP as i think it's really good. I will never leave without a sub again. Thank you for reading.
There is a warning in the warmup map if you leave there is a chance of you getting banned. It's only a day by the time a root admin sees it it'll be expired.
(Dec 18 2014, 02:03 PM)RJU Wrote: [ -> ]There is a warning in the warmup map if you leave there is a chance of you getting banned. It's only a day by the time a root admin sees it it'll be expired.

Ohhh maybe i didn't pay attention while i was there... But i'm still hoping that a root admin would see this soon and maybe unban me so i can play.
Reduced to 3hr, 1 time thing. Next time it's on you.