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Full Version: CS:GO Admin Application
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Name: Chan Chun Sing
Steam ID: Linked
Age: 26
Timezone: +8 GMT
Availability: I usually play in the evenings, though sometimes if there are players in the morning, I do that too.
Tell us something about yourself: I've played CS since Beta 6.6, which was probably around year 2000 if my memory serves me well. I stopped playing at 1.6 and just started playing again a month ago. I'm a relatively well known friendly player in the ASIA PUG servers and I hope to contribute toward keeping the server a friendly place, free from abusive players.
Reason For Admin Application: Like Mr popusaur, I'm an entrepreneur (I run an online retail business) so I play CS:GO quite often during lull periods. I feel bad always telling popusaur who the abusers are, so why not just do the Admin work myself?
Good Luck with your application. It will be reviewed shortly
Thanks for your well wishes Black Blood! =D