Jan 04 2015, 06:03 PM
Players :
are playing friendlies and trying to trap others for the zomb to kill, and they did that to me.
I am usually not against friendlies (eveyone does it, even some admins do it, sometimes ) and don't report them, unless it ruins others' gameplay by "grouping" against them.
i recorded several videos :
true^^ opened the door for mrfanfap, then the sucker backstabbed me
"grouping" against another poor zomb xD
true^^ and mrfanfap friendlies
hdk gaby and mrfanfap trying to trap me for the zomb (true^^).
The record stopped before they do, but they run and zomb stabbed me then gaby come again to kill me
Players :
- HDK G.A.B.Y : STEAM_0:0:177352894
- True^^ : STEAM_0:0:71580092
- Magicians l Mr.FanFap™ : STEAM_0:0:47205658
are playing friendlies and trying to trap others for the zomb to kill, and they did that to me.
I am usually not against friendlies (eveyone does it, even some admins do it, sometimes ) and don't report them, unless it ruins others' gameplay by "grouping" against them.
i recorded several videos :
true^^ opened the door for mrfanfap, then the sucker backstabbed me
"grouping" against another poor zomb xD
true^^ and mrfanfap friendlies
hdk gaby and mrfanfap trying to trap me for the zomb (true^^).
The record stopped before they do, but they run and zomb stabbed me then gaby come again to kill me