I have not used mumble & ventrilo eversince, i guess i have to try the two first before i decide. ;D
Teamspeak is fine for me though..
******War-Lords.net ROCKS!******
I am a progression raider in WoW (if you dont know what that means, dont worry) and I have used Ventrilo or "Vent" for almost 4 years now and I find it to be very easy to use. I am not a fan of Teamspeak or Mumble but I will use them if I have to. I also used Vent on my scrim teams on CS
ventrilo is the best choice =)
vent it basic and take less ram then TS
I've always preferred Vent's codecs for a clearer sound...
ya vent got alot more clean sound to it then Teamspeak.