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Why was banned and I play in the zombie server without any reason and I hold ranked No. 1

The reason appeared to me (shring the gune) how in zombiereloded ??

I am in the zombie server There is no participation of any weapon just do not know what the reason, please ban lifted

thies me steam ( STEAM_0:0:482156850 )

and thies steam ( STEAM_0:0:1476561136 )

This player got the ban and he  is not in the server ?
Why are treated this way racism؟
Rule Broken on many occasion:
•Ignoring game objectives (e.g., not trying to win or friendly zombies).

You have been banned for "Persistent Friendlies" by Bison. Don't see the ban being removed anytime soon as we got lots of complain about you and your friends breaking our rules on numerous occasion.