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Full Version: Admin App for minigames 2nd try
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Name: Rohan
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:104554487
Age: 19
Timezone: UTC+05:30 Chennai, Kolkata, Mumbai, New Delhi
Availability: From Morning till evening.
Tell us something about yourself:
Been a year playing css ,was nosteam before but now i got steam .Played a lot of time on minigames server.

Reason For Admin Application:
Whenever I play Minigames there are no admins online to control team stacks and mic spammers (even if i can ignore them),would really like to control the situation by fair teams and contribute to the community Smile.  
U have been denied jst 4 days ago.

It is not currently in our best interest to add you to our staff. Feel free to re-apply later on in the future (approx. 2 weeks).