Feb 21 2015, 10:00 PM
Recently our community (interscope network (iN)) have been suffering from ddos attacks. Somehow I have found my way to a boy who has admitted on one of your AWP css servers that he is the reason our servers have been ddosed. A quick steam id search on our part has proven he is permabanned from our servers on his main account or whatever he was on your servers with http://www.interscopenetwork.com/sourceb...103&Submit=
A screenshot of his confession http://cloud-4.steamusercontent.com/ugc/...7698DB639/
screenshot also shows that he has admitted to dinky and YkniD were ddosing our servers as well.
and finally his information
# 766 "`SaNe" STEAM_0:0:63328103 1:11:25 92 0 active
sorry for non correct format if there was a correct way. I didn't see a template for reporting.
if you could provide the ip of this person to me from your logs, that would also be great so we can block it.
A screenshot of his confession http://cloud-4.steamusercontent.com/ugc/...7698DB639/
screenshot also shows that he has admitted to dinky and YkniD were ddosing our servers as well.
and finally his information
# 766 "`SaNe" STEAM_0:0:63328103 1:11:25 92 0 active
sorry for non correct format if there was a correct way. I didn't see a template for reporting.
if you could provide the ip of this person to me from your logs, that would also be great so we can block it.