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Full Version: [RESOLVED] Team stacking
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Player to report: Abhineet
Steam id:STEAM_0:1 :36810035
Map: 24/7 dust2 ASIA

I am here to report the player Abhineet who stacks to the winning team always. I was banned for provoking the player few times which I do as he stacks to wining team. It was really easy to get the screenshot as he does change team quit often. According to the rules team stacking is not allowed. Hope the admin JAMBOLAYA might understand as he is very strict with the rules Cool . Am sure there are many more stacking reports to come again.
As usual he disconnect and joins in again from his losing team
Now moves to spec and waits to move to winning team
Now he join the other team. This is his usual play for every 10 mins. isn't this against the rules?( failing team objective). And I am the guy who gets banned for provoking him but this guy simply stacks and Jambolaya doesn't care i suppose.
Banned for an hour, you on the other hand need to change your name or I'll issue another ban on you if I see it.

Also please provide the correct Steam ID by going to their gameme page next time..