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Riser posted this "In order to play on our servers again, you need to repurchase CS: S on a new account and post the steam id before joining the servers" it's been a few weeks i've posted my new steam id and i still have not get unbanned.
http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198212646552/ My new steam id
As i had mentioned in your earlier thread, wait for a root admin. They are busy and they will resolve your situation as soon as possible. PLEASE STOP CREATING MULTIPLE THREADS. It wont increase your chances. Thank you
(Mar 05 2015, 10:51 AM)KINGKONG Wrote: [ -> ]As i had mentioned in your earlier thread, wait for a root admin. They are busy and they will resolve your situation as soon as possible. PLEASE STOP CREATING MULTIPLE THREADS. It wont increase your chances. Thank you

I don't understand how long does it take for a root admin to look into this matter it's been almost a month and the problem is still not solved.
Sorry about the delay. but please have patience, they will get to it as soon as possible
Sorry Bison has been away due to personal matters, he's the only onethat can remove this type of bans.