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Full Version: Permanently Banned
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Hi gud day,

I would like to request for the re-activation of my CS Source account which was permanently ban. I don't use any kind of cheat nor use any third party program during gameplay. I am using a non-steam account from nosteam.ro. My In-Game acct name is AbdulJakol.

Hoping for your kind consideraton on this matter. Thank you in advance.
Please follow the format, provide a SteamID, whichever you are currently using.
(Mar 10 2015, 05:20 AM)Riser Wrote: [ -> ]Please follow the format, provide a SteamID, whichever you are currently using.
My Steam ID is STEAM_0:0:624993171 Sir.. Can you provide me of the old format? TIA
Follow this link: http://war-lords.net/showthread.php?tid=838

It should tell you what you need to do to appeal a ban. Then be patient and your appeal will looked into
The ban is valid and will not be removed. Purchase CS:S on steam to play here again.
(Mar 12 2015, 03:34 AM)M. Bison Wrote: [ -> ]The ban is valid and will not be removed. Purchase CS:S on steam to play here again.

Is there a way to purchase CS:S here without using a credit card? Can I use my brother's credit card? Can I use a debit card? Please advise..
Yes you can, you can do it over at Steam.