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This guy was in War-Lord 2 Asia at 10:26pm and he team kill for no reason and this happen throughout the match. We have attempted to kick him but with no avail. So one player resorted to kill the said player at the start of the round so that he won't do much damage to the team. According to other players in the server, this guy has been team killing since the start of the PUG.



If you can't download the demo please let me know and I will change the settings for my google drive. Thank you.
"Boy Squats" was banned. It's unclear whether the other TKers deserve bans too.

TK chronological list Wrote:http://servers.war-lords.net/pugs/26478

Tick ~75000 - "Boy Squats" randomly stabs "Chuckles" while going to spawn (accident? intentions unclear)
Tick ~76000 - "Boy Squats" TKs "s0mething" whose afk @ spawn
Tick ~86000 - "s0mething" intentionally shoots "Boy Squats" @ long (revenge?)
Tick ~117000 - "Boy Squats" intentionally headshots "Chuckles" @ spawn (really random... maybe a delayed revenge attempt on "Chuckles," whose mistaken for "s0mething"?)
Tick ~119000 - "Chuckles" chases down and TKs "Boy Squats" @ mid (revenge)
Tick ~127000 - "Boy Squats" TKs "Chuckles" @ spawn (revenge)
Tick ~148000 - "Boy Squats" smokes teammates @ spawn (largely insignificant)

The whole time "Boy Squats" has been paranoid with his eyes glued to teammates, as if he's expecting them to TK. ^

Tick ~162000 - "Boy Squats" shoots "chocobily" multiple times @ tunnels (seemingly no provocation?)
Tick ~168000 - "Boy Squats" TKs "Terminator" @ B site, end of round (seemingly no provocation?)

"Boy Squats" clearly instigates here. ^

Tick ~202000 - "Chuckles" shoots "Boy Squats" multiple times @ spawn
Tick ~202000 - "chocobily" tries to TK "Boy Squats" @ A platform
Tick ~205300 - "Boy Squats" TKs "waterbottle" @ A platform (mistaken for "Chuckles" and/or "chocobily")
Tick ~206000 - "chocobily" TKs "Boy Squats" @ long ("Boy Squats" didn't seem to try more TKing)

"Boy Squats" seemed to have no intention to TK here, but "Chuckles" and "chocobily" instigate him, probably for earlier TKs. ^

Tick ~210000 - "chocobily" TKs "Boy Squats" @ spawn
Tick ~219000 - "Boy Squats" TKs "chocobily" @ spawn
Tick ~219000 - "Chuckles" TKs "Boy Squats" @ spawn
Tick ~231000 - "Boy Squats" TKs "chocobily" @ spawn
Tick ~231000 - "Chuckles" TKs "Boy Squats" @ spawn
Tick ~245000 - "Chuckles" TKs "Boy Squats" @ spawn

At this point no one intends to stop. ^
(Apr 30 2015, 07:23 PM)M. Bison Wrote: [ -> ]"Boy Squats" was banned. It's unclear whether the other TKers deserve bans too.

TK chronological list Wrote:http://servers.war-lords.net/pugs/26478

Tick ~75000 - "Boy Squats" randomly stabs "Chuckles" while going to spawn (accident? intentions unclear)
Tick ~76000 - "Boy Squats" TKs "s0mething" whose afk @ spawn
Tick ~86000 - "s0mething" intentionally shoots "Boy Squats" @ long (revenge?)
Tick ~117000 - "Boy Squats" intentionally headshots "Chuckles" @ spawn (really random... maybe a delayed revenge attempt on "Chuckles," whose mistaken for "s0mething"?)
Tick ~119000 - "Chuckles" chases down and TKs "Boy Squats" @ mid (revenge)
Tick ~127000 - "Boy Squats" TKs "Chuckles" @ spawn (revenge)
Tick ~148000 - "Boy Squats" smokes teammates @ spawn (largely insignificant)

The whole time "Boy Squats" has been paranoid with his eyes glued to teammates, as if he's expecting them to TK. ^

Tick ~162000 - "Boy Squats" shoots "chocobily" multiple times @ tunnels (seemingly no provocation?)
Tick ~168000 - "Boy Squats" TKs "Terminator" @ B site, end of round (seemingly no provocation?)

"Boy Squats" clearly instigates here. ^

Tick ~202000 - "Chuckles" shoots "Boy Squats" multiple times @ spawn
Tick ~202000 - "chocobily" tries to TK "Boy Squats" @ A platform
Tick ~205300 - "Boy Squats" TKs "waterbottle" @ A platform (mistaken for "Chuckles" and/or "chocobily")
Tick ~206000 - "chocobily" TKs "Boy Squats" @ long ("Boy Squats" didn't seem to try more TKing)

"Boy Squats" seemed to have no intention to TK here, but "Chuckles" and "chocobily" instigate him, probably for earlier TKs. ^

Tick ~210000 - "chocobily" TKs "Boy Squats" @ spawn
Tick ~219000 - "Boy Squats" TKs "chocobily" @ spawn
Tick ~219000 - "Chuckles" TKs "Boy Squats" @ spawn
Tick ~231000 - "Boy Squats" TKs "chocobily" @ spawn
Tick ~231000 - "Chuckles" TKs "Boy Squats" @ spawn
Tick ~245000 - "Chuckles" TKs "Boy Squats" @ spawn

At this point no one intends to stop. ^

Other TK players were TK-ing Boy Squats due to the damage he had and may have done. Which wouldn't have happened if Boy Squats decided to stop and let it slide. Nearing the end, Boy Squats even attempted to kill other players who are not involved in their fiasco which includes me, if not for Chuckles or chocobily's TK I would have died.

I think give them a stern warning would be better.