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Full Version: Admin Application
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Name: DoubleCheeseBurger (Cresion)
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:24916096
Age: 18
Timezone: GMT +8:00
Availability: During summer break : whole day unless i go out.
                  During school days      : during breaks and after class (college)

Tell us something about yourself
Been playing CSS for a long time and ever since I found the (wL) server I just couldn't stop playing on it because the community is great. Judo varsity (college) and (former) dragonboat varsity (college).

Reason For Admin Application
I am applying to be an admin because I always play on the war-lord servers and I want to be able to extend my help towards other players and also the new players that come to the servers. During my time playing in the cs_office server (my favorite map) I've always encountered a lot of mic spammers, afk-ers, and I've seen some (real) hackers that hop on the server for a while. I would like to have a position in this clan so that I can help clean the war-lords community when the other admins are not available. And you can trust me not to throw around a ban hammer like other people (I was part of =(eGO)= before; just got sick of it because some admins were throwing bans because they didn't like the person).

Hope you guys consider my application! see you on the servers ;)
Good luck sir ! Big Grin
get admin or get rekt

Please be patient while we, the WL staff, evaluate your application for admin candidacy.

It is not currently in our best interest to add you to our staff. Feel free to re-apply later on in the future (approx. 2 weeks).