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Full Version: Night Watch Application [On Hold]
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-Name in game: FUZE^ or fusz
-Steam id : STEAM_0:1:116671099
-Age : 18
-Steam Groups you're in(if any, no benefits) : -BzNz-
-Why Night Watch : I think Night Watch could be the best group. In other words FUCK HDK!
-About yourself[/code] : my name is kevin. i want to be in an active group! I hope u accept.
I like the "fuck HDK" Tongue but we'll see about your application. Good Luck. Make sure to add me on Friends list. Also, make sure to grab a mic if you do not have one.
Good luck on the app!
Please link your steam id to your forum account. Thank you.
Hello fuzical. Have you linked your Steam ID with your forums account?
This app is gonna be placed on hold. If you're still interested in joining you can post a comment and I will reopen your evaluation but the applicant hasn't been on the forums since he joined the forums.
(Aug 27 2015, 05:12 PM)RJU Wrote: [ -> ]This app is gonna be placed on hold. If you're still interested in joining you can post a comment and I will reopen your evaluation but the applicant hasn't been on the forums since he joined the forums.

players should be active on the forums right?
Sorry guys, My SteamID is STEAM_0:1:116671099
And I do have a mic.
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