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Name: WTF???
SteamId:  STEAM_0:0:30207383
first didnt get banned while playing played the day before just fine
tried logging into the crackhouse server said I was banned and to check your site came to your site checked ban list
my names not on there...
so why am I banned...
Please wait for a root admin to check on it. have patience. THANK YOU
11 days ??
You have been banned and its on the website. Also the ban you got is one that isn't removed ever but hopefully a root admin will take notice here.
The ban isn't going to be removed. The logs paint a pretty good picture of what you were up to and it's not going to be tolerated here.

Furthermore, this appeal isn't even in compliance with the appeal guidelines.
name still is not on ban list  I went back page after page till i got bored so if it is on the website stop hiding it I know you guys don't like me in the server but to ban me for no reason that's kind of foolish but obviously it's because you don't want me in your servers so no worrie's