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Full Version: Trolling the game again
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Server : Pug 1 
Map: De_inferno
Reason: blocking our way/ griefing/ troll
Name: Happy Friendship day!!!!! a.k.a f1own

Screenshot :

Can u link me the pug. I can't take action from looking at this screenshot.
(Aug 02 2015, 11:25 AM)Black Blood Wrote: [ -> ]Can u link me the pug. I can't take action from looking at this screenshot.


time demo : 18-20 mins . not sure.
time demo :

forward to 18-20mins
Yea. Looks like he did block Noob Saibot + another player. However, he just recently got banned for leaving a live pug. I will just leave it at that. He can keep that whole 1 day ban .
(Aug 02 2015, 01:34 PM)Black Blood Wrote: [ -> ]Yea. Looks like he did block Noob Saibot + another player. However, he just recently got banned for leaving a live pug. I will just leave it at that. He can keep that whole 1 day ban .

add 1 day ban for that kid babe. hahaha!