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Full Version: unban appeal
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i got banned on my original account 3 years ago by smac and didnt care

but now i really want to play again and i was much younger then and now i understand and dont cheat and this is my other account that when i tried to join a pug i got banned because of my first ban and i would love to play the pugs with my friends
so if possible that would be great

name: Evilfish or |Colosis|fishE
steam id: STEAM_0:1:490083

reason for ban: smac bhop

admin: console
please i would really like to play again
I'll remove the ban on STEAM_0:1:490083 if it attains Steam level 15.
(Aug 10 2015, 02:40 AM)M. Bison Wrote: [ -> ]I'll remove the ban on STEAM_0:1:490083 if it attains Steam level 15.
i just finished leveling to 13 is that good enough? ive had to find ways to get money to do even that
nvm im level 15 now
STEAM_0:1:490083 should have access to the server now.