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Full Version: Unban Request
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Name: sen'
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:143137505


I was supposed to be one of the players for the PUG:MIX 1 ASIA, but upon connecting to the map, I got disconnected without a sub. The reason for disconnection based on the notification: my map (de_season) differed from the server's.

I'm fairly new playing at PUG servers, so I wasn't aware that you'll get banned if you leave the game without sub. Due to this, I didn't think to take a screenshot of said notification.

Hopefully my explanation would be enough and that the ban would be at the least, shortened.

Thank you. Smile

M. Bison Wrote:We do a one time ban shortening to 3 hours for pug leave bans. It doesn't look like you ever took advantage of it. I went ahead and shortened the ban to 3 hours.