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These, if implemented, would make a far better experience when playing PUGs.

I will try to add more in the future if the PUG system(in my opinion) needs a bit of tweaking.

1. Ban should be atleast 8-12 hours, a whole day is pretty harsh for somebody like me waiting for it to go away. 
2. "No sub in 2 mins" should be increased, It should be 5 mins to give players some leg room to maybe restart their PC, Internet or getting somebody else to sub for them.
3 .need/nneed should be triggered immediately if a player joins a PUG server.

If you guys will consider this, then you will have a more positive feedback with your community.
1. Nope 24 hour is perfect. Think about those players who have to play a 4 vs 5 situation. A 24 hour ban is placed to discourage players to leave the pug.

2. Don't restart your pc without a sub then. "those 5 mins your away, your team will have to play in a 4 vs 5 situation..". Not sure this is 100% true but I am sure there is an extended amount of time for the players to come back if they timed out.

3. Why would .need needs to be triggered, if someone joins? Shouldn't it be the other way round where we need 10 players. If that's the case the server does that automatically for u.
I would really be happy if u came up with a suggestion for whole community not for self. Think as a whole not as a player who got banned. Think for those who are in game playing 4v5 situation after u left. U are the first person to came up for this that's aslo becoz of ur mistake. We dnt work on personal interest. We have certain rules and criteria running on this server. hope u get thru those once again.
Once u type ".r" u have accepted all the criteria of Live pug. I think u know What is meant by "LIVE" match. Next time u leave, make sure u have a sub. if there is a guy in spec, make sure u talk to the guy and get assured to sub in.(coz in many case, specs might be AFK) Until and unless the guy subs inDO NOT LEAVE THE SERVER.
The ban system that we have now works just fine man.
(Sep 26 2015, 09:41 AM)FlameCurrent Wrote: [ -> ]1. Ban should be atleast 8-12 hours, a whole day is pretty harsh for somebody like me waiting for it to go away. 
A shorter ban duration would not work. The result is inconsistent punishments and a higher frequency of leaving when bans won't bother them (late at night).

Let's use a 12 hour ban as an example.

Hypothetical situations:
A: Someone leaves at 11AM but wants to play later on in the day.
B: Someone leaves to sleep at 11PM and wants to play later on tomorrow.

A: Severely inconvenienced. The ban expires around the time they would head off to sleep (11PM).
B: Barely inconvenienced, if at all. The ban expires in the morning (11AM), which is not too long after waking. The ban is definitely gone by the time they come back from school or work.

(Sep 26 2015, 09:41 AM)FlameCurrent Wrote: [ -> ]2. "No sub in 2 mins" should be increased, It should be 5 mins to give players some leg room to maybe restart their PC, Internet or getting somebody else to sub for them.
Two minutes means your team potentially plays 4v5 for 1 to 3 rounds. Five minutes means up to 8 rounds played 4v5. I don't think your team is going to be happy about that.  Rolleyes

(Sep 26 2015, 09:41 AM)FlameCurrent Wrote: [ -> ].need/nneed should be triggered immediately if a player joins a PUG server.
That would cause too much spam. In general, I don't want to hammer the group with announcements unless there's a good chance of the PUG happening. That's why .need doesn't begin to automatically occur until there are 5+ players. Also, what if they are planning some kind of in-house PUG/scrim?