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Full Version: Report: Griefing/Trolling
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IGN - Timothy
Steam ID - STEAM_0:0:62766575
Steam Profile - https://steamcommunity.com/id/Timo-thy/

Griefing - ghosting players' positions, shooting teammates (causes aimpunches but not damage because ff wasn't on), throwing the C4 at unreachable positions (need teammates to stack)/at locations whereby the CT has sight of the C4.
Trolling - going for knife kills.

PUG Demo:
Banned for a day, if he continues let me know
(Oct 14 2015, 11:01 AM)Riser Wrote: [ -> ]Banned for a day, if he continues let me know

Alright, thank you.

Btw, he did it for 2 games in a row actually.
2nd game demo - http://fastdl.war-lords.com/demos.aspx?pid=34747
He wasn't griefing & trolling as much as the first game, but he did grief by calling out his teammates' positions in one occasion that I could remember.
The appropriate actionhad been taken. If it happens next time, let us know so that we increase the severity of his punishment. Thanks for reporting and helping us keep the community clean.