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Full Version: Ban for -absolutely- no reason
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Hi all,

Tonight I joined the mini-games server for a couple minutes of fun. As soon as I joined the game (I was still in spectate mode before joining a team), the people in the server were already trying to ban me. I asked why and they said since I am position 17 they assumed I was hacking (which I am not).

I am aware it is simply a 25 minutes ban, I don't really care at this point. Although, I noted the 4 steam IDs of the 4 players who did this. I hope actions will be taken upon them, since they had absolutely no reason to ban me whatsoever.

Steam IDs:

#    213 "fast facts"        [U:1:52270487]      25:35       94    0 active
#    214 "Barrel Boxers"     [U:1:302894539]     25:23       86    0 active
#    215 "senpuff"           [U:1:127954120]     25:20      191    0 active
#    217 "How about you invite me" [U:1:75742400] 23:44      75    0 active

Sorry for my late night rant.

Have a good night everyone.
I have played with you on Snipers and Minigames before

He's a good guy! Please check those IDs
The inconvenience caused is highly regretted.  I can't trace anything on "fast facts" regarding the initiated voteban. Rest of the three are found to be guilty of misusing the voteban option and consequently given punishment as per their action.

Thanks guys. The game is now even more enjoyable!
