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My name is mR.N33l and i got banned on 20th Dec 2015.
I was permanently banned.
The reason it says is Eye Test Violation(Roll).
 I dont understand why i was banned. I did not apply any cheats nor did i do any hacky stuff.
 I'm a simple guy who wants to play the game that's it.
 Never cheated in the past nor i look forward to in the future.
 Plz who so ever has the right to do so .... UNBAN me A.S.A.P..


Dec 20 2015 10:22 PM
Please link your Steam account to the forum.https://war-lords.net/usercp.php?action=steam
If you are on non-Steam, you will have to mention it on your post.
Have patience, currently the roots are busy. they will get back to ur post as soon as they are back.
You will need to wait for Bison, only he manages this kind of bans
I'll give benefit of the doubt and unban.