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I guess by brother used Cheat engine and was using it on your server my brother is a dumb ass and it bannded my ip so if i did buy a new copy it would not let me join. My little brother got css and i tryed joining it to see if it baned him and it did and he never even played on the server before.
(Jan 20 2016, 12:25 AM)xXgamerdudeXx Wrote: [ -> ]I guess by brother used Cheat engine and was using it on your server my brother is a dumb ass and it bannded my ip so if i did buy a new copy it would not let me join. My little brother got css and i tryed joining it to see if it baned him and it did and he never even played on the server before.

That's why you need to post up your new steam ID before you join a server.
I really dont want to buy a 20$ game just to get on a server.. plus if i do buy and what if? you dont unban my new steam account? srry but u dont want to buy a game another time to just play on a server. Sad
Rules are rules. If you get caught playing in the same name with a non steam STEAM ID, you're still banned. Wait for the game to go on sale rofl it'll be like $3 or $5
Then tough luck my friend, as Riser stated, buy a new copy of CS:S and post your steam id. Or just remain banned.
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