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Full Version: Admin Application
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Name: Michael Dal
Age: 22
Timezone: Central time 
Availability: everyday 4-10 pm ,but on Tues 10am - 8pm 
Tell us something about yourself: I've been living in Chicago about 3 years now. [font='Droid Sans', 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]I spent most of my time on popular map and crack house. I don't really like to pug but I never say no when someone invited me, and of course I left the pug to join popular map when some sub me since its my home.  Tongue Smile Big Grin [/font]
Reason For Admin Application: I like how it atomically mute somebody if they spam mic in the pub but not in crackhouse deathmatch. I really hate people that camp in their spawn especially in dust 2, nuke and ct camper in italy. It would be really nice if people do their objective. Lately, I don't see any active admin so I think I can help useful to the server. Others may leave css but I will not! I just wanna be a part of something bigger!

Thank you.

I see quite a few admins on our servers, just might be the timezones.

But, good luck!
Well i think he is one of the few people that deserves admin. +support
(Feb 21 2016, 10:25 AM)NeSSy Wrote: [ -> ]Well i think he is one of the few people that deserves admin. +support
Thx, Bro
As one of the regulars on pop maps, I think michael would be a great admin

Please read all the pinned threads before using your admin. You can set your display group in the user cp.