I was banned for using a bhop script. I personally play on a private bhop server and sometimes I run a hack that makes me not "stick" to the ground when using autohop. I totally forgot I was using this as I left the bhop server and started watching YouTube. During a video I saw that a pug needed players so I joined and decided to play. Then that's when I realised as I was asking everyone before the match started if the server had autohop for bhopping, and never noticed. My question was answered after my ban. Please unban me.
Cheating bans don't get removed, you'll need to rebuy CSS on a new account in order to play here again.
Post your new ID before joining the servers.
It was an accidental thing plus the game never started so it did no harm to anyone.
Trying to connect using nosteam as I dont have the money but it gives me the same notification that I'm banned
(Mar 24 2016, 03:31 AM)sleepy Wrote: [ -> ]Trying to connect using nosteam as I dont have the money but it gives me the same notification that I'm banned
New account on Steam, with a newly purchased copy of CSS.
Post your ID before joining.
Just got a new steam account and new css account id is STEAM_0:0:58026357
(Mar 24 2016, 08:03 AM)sleepy Wrote: [ -> ]Just got a new steam account and new css account id is STEAM_0:0:58026357
Unprivate the profile first..
Why? I dont think its needed
+ I dont want to set it up because it wont be my main so i dont want people adding me
I have a question why are you allowing players to rebuy the game and join? Because I think if someone gets falsely banned they wouldnt rebuy the game just to play.