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Full Version: Admin application
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Name: Diro
Age: 24
Timezone: Pacific

Availability: Times vary. I mostly play in the mornings and late at night.

Tell us something about yourself: College student. Have 10+ years of css experience.

Reason For Admin Application: Lots of players have been trolling lately in the match servers. People are team flashing and not doing the objective, they are basically throwing the match. And there are no admins...
I've known Kobe for a while now (approx 6-7 years) and I think Kobe would be a great add to our staff roster. We desperately need atleast 1 or 2 more active players on the NA PUG servers from what it looks like. Every 1 in 3 games you'll run into rule breakers and Kobe seems mature enough to help stop that from happening.

Goodluck man!
I trust taraN's judgement...

He def good on PUGs and a fun player to compete with.

Read the pinned threads on the admin board before using admin. You can change your server group in the user cp.