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Full Version: PING PROBLEM
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hello admins I got banned and bought the game and linked with this account and started playing yesterday
yesterday the ping was less
but today it is spiking up
usually it will be 50 now its 150 think there is a problem so it will good if u take a look at it 
admins the lag is still there !route thing not working and its lagging for everyone who is playing the game you might wanna take a look
The Office Asia server did lag for about 10 seconds and every player's ping reached 947ms even though there were only a few players.
(May 04 2016, 12:53 PM)HMS Wrote: [ -> ]admins the lag is still there !route thing not working and its lagging for everyone who is playing the game you might wanna take a look
I need MTR/traceroutes. Follow the instructions here: https://war-lords.net/thread-15995.html

(May 04 2016, 01:26 PM)anyanyany Wrote: [ -> ]The Office Asia server did lag for about 10 seconds and every player's ping reached 947ms even though there were only a few players.
I was messing with plugins some time ago. The lag spikes were probably caused by plugins which were refreshed/updated.
The lag spikes is still happening, reaching 1000ms for more than 10-15 mins
(May 06 2016, 01:19 PM)Riser Wrote: [ -> ]The lag spikes is still happening, reaching 1000ms for more than 10-15 mins
yeahhh bison small and fragrant