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Full Version: Admin application - Phantom Dave
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Name: Phantom Dave
Age: 19
Timezone: Indian Standard Time
Availability: Pretty much available all day on weekends! Weekdays mostly in the evenings, after 6 PM.  Smile

Tell us something about yourself: Been playing on War Lords for 4 years now, old profile: https://war-lords.net/user-16528.html. Was a no steamer before but I just recently bought the game. I believe in fairness, and that the game should be fun for all, and the ideologies shown by War Lords is the best I've seen.  Big Grin I usually play only on War Lords servers, and I don't really visit other servers either.

Reason For Admin Application: Over the years I've experienced playing with a variety of people, from hackers to mic spammers to voteban misusers, I feel that I could make a positive contribution to the War Lords community by helping to minimize such inconveniences, and make gameplay on your servers fun, enriching, and awesome.  Smile  

Would also like to take this opportunity to thank the War Lords team for a fantastic gameplay experience always on the servers.  Big Grin
Hey man good luck.
Have been seeing you around Office lately.
(Jul 03 2016, 03:53 PM)FenKeN Wrote: [ -> ]Hey man good luck.
Have been seeing you around Office lately.

Thank you, means a lot  Smile
Goodluck mate.
Nicely written post and good luck!